Saul's Ramblings

Judy Canova, Nero Wolfe, Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators, and whatever else might strike my fancy

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Here's a recent promotional picture purchase from the film Hit the Hay. I also just got the movie itself, (which I haven't watched yet.)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Here's another experiment. One of the Canova films I don't currently own is In Caliente, which was her second film. Here's a fun clip from the fil that was posted on YouTube:

The Three Investigators

The last topic of interest I had indicated on my profile type thingy, was The Three Investigators, or as they're known in Germany Die drei ???. I've collected these books off and on since I traded someone some Star Wars cards on a grade school bus for The Secret of Terror Castle.

I'll do some web searches of the various fan sites for the series every now and then, and just today, I turned up some interesting news that there is actually a motion picture in the works! Here's the link to the IMDB page on the subject:

My first impression is that the actors are too young, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. It's a German production, but it will be filmed in English. This is based on the 6th book in the series: The Secret of Skeleton Island, which is one of the ten books written by the original author, Robert Arthur.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I'm pretty excited, as I've just gotten my 2nd contact from a Canova relative, (third if you count the father of Judy's Godchild.) He was looking for some info on one of Judy's husbands, and thanks to my superb detection skills (hey, I didn't pick the handle Saul Panzer for nothing), I was able to provide everything down to his social security #. I'm hoping this will lead to some interesting quid pro quo.

Here's one of the three known comics that featured Judy. I own this one, and have converted it to a .pdf for ease of viewing. I hope to pick up the other two at some point, but haven't found any that fit the budget yet.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Nero Wolfe

As I stated earlier, one of my other interests is the Nero Wolfe mysteries. I was first exposed to the Gargantuan Gourmet through the original Rex Stout books, but have since collected most of the material available in many different types of media. My latest addition is the hard to find 1979 pilot that starred Thayer David (of Dark Shadows fame)in his last role prior to his untimely death.

Here is a screen cap I just made from the show:

There have been 5 American actor that have played the role on TV and on the silver screen: Edward Albert, Walter Connolly, Thayer David, William Conrad, and Maury Chaykin (o.k. he's technically a Canadian), but the series was also taken up on Russian and Italian T.V. and has a pretty decent global recognition factor. If you haven't had the pleasure, I suggest picking up the first book, Fer-de-Lance, but you can jump in anywhere in the cannon, (except I'm told, the last, Family Affair, which could ruin some of the fun.)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Let's try this again

I'm going to need to invest in a Blogging for Dummies book, at some point. I finally have DSL, and there went my last excuse for not putting this blog in shape.

Here's a large photo Of Judy that I've touched up a bit:

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Saul's Ramblings

Saul's Ramblings
All right, it's been a while, but inspired by a fellow OTR enthusiast’s blog, I've decided to take this up again. Since the last post, I've found a small but friendly Yahoo group dedicated to all things Judy. I've also picked up a few more movies, found some additional guest radio appearances, and been in contact with Judy's Goddaughter’s father. I'm going to be putting together some posts and pictures over the next couple of weeks, so if you stumbled on this blog by chance, check back, as it should now become more active.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

New Album

I was very happy to see a new (to me) album of Judy tracks arrive on my doorstep last night. That happiness soon faded howerver when I opened the package, and due to shoddie packaging, it was broken.

To make matters worse, the two tracks that I could play, weren't even sung by Judy! It's that whole 60's "Featuring" shananagins. At least I have the album cover, and the seller refunded my money.